Notices to Shipping – Montreal/Lake Ontario

#3: Mooring Arrangements

March 19, 2010

#2: Vessel Self-spotting Systems At Locks 1, 2, 3 & 4

March 19, 2010

#1: Walk-through Lockages At Iroquois Lock

March 18, 2010

#20: Marine Security Exercise

October 15, 2009

#19: Lateral Hydraulic Assist

October 1, 2009

#18: Dredging in the South Shore Canal, Above Lock 2 and Below Lock 3, on Lake St-louis

September 10, 2009

#17: Modification to Phase III of the Trial on Stopping and Positioning of the Vessel at Lock 3

September 8, 2009

#16: Installation of a Sector Light on the Upper Beauharnois Front Range

September 4, 2009

#15: Dredging Operations U.S. Waters

September 3, 2009

#14: Update on Lock of the Future Testing

July 17, 2009

#13: Walk – Through Lockages at Iroquois Lock

July 17, 2009

#12: Lifting of Gates N° 7 & 8 – Upper Saint-Lambert Lock

June 29, 2009

#11: Celebration of the Seaway’s 50th Anniversary

June 26, 2009

#10: Update on Lock of the Future Testing

June 17, 2009

#9: Fireworks at La Ronde – Port of Montreal

June 12, 2009

#8: Alternate Mooring Arrangements For Vessels With OAL Between 130 And 150 Metres

April 21, 2009

#7: Testing Vessels’ Ability to Stop Without the Use of Mooring Lines in Locks 1, 2, 3 & 4, and Testing Vessel Self-spotting Systems at Locks 1 & 2

April 20, 2009

#6: Mooring Certain Vessels, Using Less Than 4 Mooring Lines (Canadian Locks)

April 17, 2009

#5: Water Levels at Morrisburg

April 14, 2009

#4: High Water Levels at Morrisburg

April 8, 2009

#3: VHF Radio Communications Sector IV

March 12, 2009

#2: Commuter Trains Schedule at Bridge 7A & 7B

February 18, 2009

#1: Security at Approach / Tie-up Walls

February 13, 2009

#13: Self-spotting of Ships at Cote Ste Catherine Lock

November 27, 2008

#12: Two-person Lockage Procedures at Iroquois Lock

November 12, 2008

#11: Mooring Vessels in Locks with Length Between 120 and 150 Meters, Using Soft Lines

September 5, 2008

#10: Interfaces at Locks Under MARSEC 1 Marine Security Level

August 12, 2008

#9: Security at Approach / Tie-up Walls

August 12, 2008

#8: Water Level East of Buoy D36 Lancaster Bar

August 8, 2008

#7: AIS Water Level Data Transmission

August 1, 2008