Nautical Charts
It is a requirement that all vessels that transit the St. Lawrence Seaway Great Lakes have the latest edition of either U.S. or Canadian charts. (British Admiralty charts are not acceptable.)
It is also required that vessels have the latest editions of publications such as: U.S. Coast Pilot, U.S. Light List, Canadian Sailing Directions, Canadian Radio Aids, Canadian Light Lists, and all of the latest Notices to Mariners.
Charts and Publications may be obtained through the following agency:
Marine Press Canada
640 St. Paul Street
Suite 300
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3C IL9
Tel: (514) 866-8342
Pleasure craft operators should have up-to-date nautical charts for the waters they are sailing. Nautical charts as well as catalogs of charts and nautical publications may be ordered from the following agencies:
Canadian Hydrographic Service
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
615 Booth Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0E6
Tel: (613) 998-4931
Office of Coast Surveys (NOAA)
Distribution Division (N/CG 33)
6501 Lafayette Avenue
Riverdale, Maryland
USA 20737-1199
Tel: (800) 638-8972