#3 – Pre Entry Information Required from Foreign Flag Vessels
March 23, 2005
Please provide the following information on a SEPARATE SHEET for each upbound voyage via fax or email to the traffic control centre number / address listed below at least 96 hours prior westbound entry of the St. Lawrence Seaway at CIP 2 in Montreal:
Massena, New York (315) 764-1886 or email at: vtc@sls.dot.gov
- Vessel’s Name and IMO Number
- Flag of Registry and Name of Classification Society
- Radio Call Sign
- Date of Arrival in Montreal
- Owner’s Name
- Operator’s Name
- Charterer’s Name
- Last 4 Ports and Dates of Departure
- List all Great Lakes Ports of Destination
- Ballast Water: State the location of all ballast water within the vessel, the ports where it was originally taken on and the locations (latitude and longitude) where the ballast was exchanged.
- Does your vessel comply with the Shipping Federation of Canada’s “Best Practices for Ballast Water Management”?
- Date and Time of Pre-entry Form Submittal
- Provide name and phone number of Agent in Montreal
- Estimated date of arrival at Snell Lock
- Type of Cargo (Bulk, General, etc.)
- Security Certificate (ISPS Code)
-+ Date of Issuance
-+ Date of Expiry - Crew List and similar information for Persons onboard in addition to crew.