#3 – Pre Entry Information Required from Foreign Flag Vessels

March 23, 2005

Please provide the following information on a SEPARATE SHEET for each upbound voyage via fax or email to the traffic control centre number / address listed below at least 96 hours prior westbound entry of the St. Lawrence Seaway at CIP 2 in Montreal:

Massena, New York (315) 764-1886 or email at: vtc@sls.dot.gov

  1. Vessel’s Name and IMO Number
  2. Flag of Registry and Name of Classification Society
  3. Radio Call Sign
  4. Date of Arrival in Montreal
  5. Owner’s Name
  6. Operator’s Name
  7. Charterer’s Name
  8. Last 4 Ports and Dates of Departure
  9. List all Great Lakes Ports of Destination
  10. Ballast Water: State the location of all ballast water within the vessel, the ports where it was originally taken on and the locations (latitude and longitude) where the ballast was exchanged.
  11. Does your vessel comply with the Shipping Federation of Canada’s “Best Practices for Ballast Water Management”?
  12. Date and Time of Pre-entry Form Submittal
  13. Provide name and phone number of Agent in Montreal
  14. Estimated date of arrival at Snell Lock
  15. Type of Cargo (Bulk, General, etc.)
  16. Security Certificate (ISPS Code)
    -+ Date of Issuance
    -+ Date of Expiry
  17. Crew List and similar information for Persons onboard in addition to crew.