Canadian flag SLSMC President and Board

Demetrios (Jim) Athanasiou

Jim Athanasiou headshot enJim Athanasiou took over as President and Chief Executive Officer of the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) on July 12, 2024.  In this role, he is responsible for the overall operation of the Canadian portion of the bi-national Seaway system.

Mr. Athanasiou joined the SLSMC in 2008 as Corporate Manager, Mechanical Engineering.  In 2016, he was appointed Vice-President, Engineering and Technology and, just prior to his appointment as President and CEO, he led the SLSMC’s team in negotiating a 20-year Management, Operation and Maintenance Agreement (MOMA) with the Federal Government.


Full Bio (Adobe PDF File)

SLSMC Board Members

Jim Athanasiou
President and Chief Executive Officer

Paul Gourdeau
International Carrier Representative

Frank Hummell
Ontario Provincial Government Representative

Julie Lambert
Other Members Representative

Don MacDonald
Grain Representative

Pierre Préfontaine
Québec Provincial Government Representative

Karen Tippett
Federal Government Representative

Tony Valeri
Steel and Iron Ore Representative

Greg Wight
Domestic Carrier Representative