Media Resources

Most of information in this section has been provided by external sources. The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation and the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information.

Content authored by an organization not subject to the Official Languages Act  is supplied to the public in the language of origin.

Title Author / Source Language
Inland SUPERHIGHWAY Canadian Geographic English
Fact Sheets
The SLSMC’s Green House Gas Emissions Reductions SLSMC English
The Welland Canal: Hydroelectric Power SLSMC English
The St. Lawrence Seaway Canadian Geographic English / French
Gateway to North America Canadian Geographic English /French
ABC’s of the Seaway Norm Tufford English
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Study Canada / U.S. Governments English
Impacts of Restrictions to Commercial Navigation Martin Associates English
Infrastructure Investment Survey of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway System Martin Associates English
Overview of the Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway SLSMC / GLS English
Seaway Brochure GLS English
The Economic Impacts of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Seaway System Martin Associates English
The Great Lakes – A Waterway Management Challenge Great Lakes Waterways Management Forum English
The Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Seaway System SLSMC English
The Welland Canal SLSMC English
The Montreal/Lake Ontario Region SLSMC English
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System Directory Harbor House, Boyne City, Michigan English
The St. Lawrence Seaway – Ready for the Future
SLSMC English
The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway System – A Vital Waterway
Transiting the Welland Canal

PowerBoat Television takes on the Welland Canal
Power Boat
PowerBoat Television English
Seaway Ballast Water Inspection Process
Seaway Safety – Niagara Region
Niagara College English
New Video: Shipping on the Great Lakes / Seaway System – Great Opportunities
GLS English