US flag | Drapeau américain Seaway Infrastructure Program (SIP)

Starting in 2009, the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (GLS) began its Seaway Infrastructure Program (SIP), initially called the Asset Renewal Program, for its navigation infrastructure and associated facilities and equipment.  The projects and equipment included in the SIP address various needs for the two U.S. Seaway locks, the Seaway International Bridge, maintenance dredging, operational systems, and Corporation facilities and equipment in Massena, N.Y.  None of the SIP investments result in increases to the authorized depth or width of the navigation channel or to the size of the two locks.

Through the first 15 years of GLS infrastructure renewal (FYs 2009-2023), the GLS has spent $225 million on 65 separate projects.  These projects included maintenance dredging in the U.S. portion of the Seaway navigation channel, lock miter gate and culvert valve machinery upgrades, culvert valve replacements, hands-free mooring installation at the locks, gate lifter upgrades, miter gate rehabilitation, tugboat replacements, as well as various other structural and equipment repairs and/or replacement.

Reports to the U.S. Congress